Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Frustration into Experimentation

I am a psychology major in my final semester of undergraduate work. I specify undergraduate work because as anybody in psychology knows you cannot do much in the field with just a bachelor's degree. A significant part of my coursework has been reviewing journal articles of experimental studies. During this process I have thought of many experimental studies that I would like to carry out just to satisfy my own curiosity. I am now finally doing it, and no, it is not for a class, it is for my own satisfaction. Let me start at the beginning.

I am currently taking a course on human sexuality. This class is mixed gender and gives some opportunity for open discussion. On the second day of class when we began to really dive into the topic one student, of the female persuasion (not that this has anything to do with it), monopolized the majority of the discussion and said some pretty derogatory statements regarding the male species. Some things that came out of her mouth included but were not limited to, "guys can have recreational sex because it doesn't mean anything to them" "I've never met a guy who could lead[on the dance floor] as good as I can" "guys will have sex with just about anyone, girls won't" and the classic anthem of the broken broken hearted - "guys are pigs". It was not just the generalization and inanity of her statements but also the frequency of them. I began to think, "I wonder how much of our class time was spent having to listen to her bleeding heart, anti-male, jibber-jabber," or something to that effect. Thus my experimental study was born!

For every class period since I have kept a count of how many times she has spoken and the total duration. I will continue to do this for the next several class periods then I will do the same for everyone else in the class combined. At that point I will also do it for the professor as well. My hypothesis is that she speaks with more frequency and longer duration than everyone else in the class combined and almost as much as the professor.

I know it's a work in progress and probably won't be taken seriously in the professional world but at least it will quench my curiosity and give me something constructive to do while the words pour out of this student's mouth like decrepid crusty syrup! In case you are at the edge of your seat wanting to know how the study will turn out - never fear - updates are on the way.

1 comment:

  1. you should do a study on the band and time spent laughing/duration vs playing/duration
